Who Is Vhayi From Giyani: Land Of Blood?

Who Is Vhayi From Giyani: Land Of Blood?

By Staff Reporter      news@alexreporter.co.za 

Bolivia Twananani Khoza was born at Tintswalo Hospital in Acornhoek and raised at N’wamitwa outside Tzaneen.

She was born in the late 80s and she’s the third born child of Mr and Mrs Khoza. Bolivia was taken when she was 5 years old and sent to live with her grandparents, who lived alone in N’wamitwa.

Bolivia began her school in 1995 at Fofoza Primary. After elementary school, she went to Lwandlamuni Secondary, where she began to feel homesick. Eventually she turned to her parents in Bushbuckridge, where they agreed to take her back.

They enrolled her at Shobiyana Secondary School, where she completed her matric. After matric, Bolivia went to college in Phalaborwa, where she studied Travel & Tourism.

After completing her Travel & Tourism studies, she discovered her passion for acting. The role of Thandaza in Muvhango inspired her and her parents Mr & Mrs Khoza, were always by her side and supported her through thick and thin.

In 2005, Bolivia met Solly Makamu when she was still in college in Phalaborwa. She got the chance to play the role of Masingita in Mafenya Brothers Action 8 & 9 which was produced by G One, Solly Makamu.

While still trying to get the necessary information for a breakthrough in the acting industry, Bolivia was almost duped by some people posing as agents in Johannesburg CBD. She was scammed more than 2 times on her journey.

In 2022, Bolivia joined Xilaveka Media Production which was run by Fumani N Shilubana and Easyman Nkomo. She attended their classes and learned the art of acting.

3 months after completing her acting classes, she received a call from the producers of Giyani: Land of Blood and the rest is history. She got a role of Vhayi, Tsakani’s sister in the Telenovela.

Bolivia is currently working on few projects and when she’s done, we will be the first to know and we will keep you posted.

She is also a voice over artist and some of her programmes can be heard every Monday at 11:00 on Munghana Lonene FM. She is Sesi Nompie in the drama series ‘Rivoni Ra Ndlela’ for the Road Accident Fund.

Her dream is to one day have her own production company and discover talent from her region and other disadvantaged communities.

Her advice to other aspiring actors is that: “They must never give up, they must fight for a place in the history books of South African Entertainment Industry. Things might not be well today, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end. You fall and wake up, then proceed to the finish line,” concludes Bolivia.

Source: Nwamitwa Times.

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