Mduduzi’s book, Redefining Success, is a must-read piece if you want your life changed for good!

Mduduzi’s book, Redefining Success, is a must-read piece if you want your life changed for good!

By staff Reporter

The very 1st notable feature when you open #Redefining Success, to page through its chapters is that it is written in modern shorthand.

While this may be standard & normal today, it were not the case back in 2011, which was a period of “voice calls”, “SMSs”, “Please Call Me”, “BBM”, & “MIXIT” – this was pre “Social Media” as we have come to understand it today. Redefining Success is divided into 5 categories of study: Technical, Philosophical, Entrepreneurial, Linguistically & the Story itself..


It was because of that reason that traditional publishers were reluctant to publish Mduduzi’s book, unless he reverted to the traditional way of writing and lingo – which is when he began his entrepreneurial journey, as an independent publisher. He had just resigned from my job then, at a leading FMCG multinational – to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations, after several years of training and development.

Unlike today, there wasn’t much local content to benchmark against, as it is the case today – just typical political classics about apartheid icons mainly, and stereotypical representation of our stories and culture your “I went to prison, and then lights came on…” types of stories.

So, Redefining Success captures a very important human development, a universal transition from traditional media, to social media – hence it was important to keep it unchanged, though “we have since scaled down and reduced the amount of shorthand, which was heavier in the 1st drafts, to allow a bit of fluidity, to accommodate a much older readership, who requested the consideration”.

Mduduzi says Redefining Success is therefore a historical piece, of art – in a literary form! It is also the first, possibly in the world to be created in modern shorthand.  “I used my Nokia E63 to develop it, during an era in time where cell phones were not even coming standard with social media apps we’re accustomed to today. It is also why one of our notable trademarks is the paintbrush feature which highlights the subtitle; ‘Stories I never told my parents, teachers, and pastors’.

“The title itself  Redefining Success, was coined by a good friend of mine, Mr Themba  Sidu. I only had the subtitle, because I had no intentions to self publish, and to therefore think forward, sustainably. In as far as the Story itself is concerned, we have decided not to ruin the fun of those who are yet to read my story, so that it remains a tailored read, where the individual reader can take out what is of interest and concern to them, and come to their own conclusions. We took this direction based on our own research and engagement with readers over a period of time!” he said.

However ,one can reference to what Professor Maurice Radebe, author and founder of “ULP”, and Professor Braimoh Bello, author of “Beyond Tomorrow” say in the Commentary at the back of my book. Or refer to my favourite feedbacks from some of our readers: “A very inspiring read – speaks to the heart of childhood growing in the township. This will change lives.” “I like the way you have written every incident. I mean you read through one chapter and you are interested to read the next one.” “I like realistic stuff and that is what I got when I read this book. Once you open the first page you can’t put it down.”

Alternatively, from the schools participating in our research: “Every single teen-ager has a story they have never told their parents, teachers, and pastors. For that reason, all young people can relate to the story told by Mduduzi Dube.”

Mduduzi said one of his learners who read the book said, the one thing he loved about the book is that he does not feel like he was reading a book, but like he was reading a WhatsApp or Mixit message(text). “When one of your own has managed and stood up to challenges as these – this (book) will be a positive contribution to their lives.”

“In terms of my general advice, in whatever field of endeavour anyone is pursuing, I have just one – Qalangathiuyadlala! To aspiring authors – be dynamic in your approach to life generally. I say that because I have spent the past 5 years for instance, serving my community of Ward 64, in Ekurhuleni, as chairperson in one of the VD blocks, and in the LED subcommittees, participating meaningfully in figuring real-time solutions together with the very communities that I seek to inspire & educate as an author and thought leader,” says Mduduzi.

He was born in Kathorus and is a Vosloorus bonafide. Redefining Success was published by his company, Xlants Enterprises Pty(Ltd). He was born two years after the Soweto Youth Uprisings.

“That’s how I refer to my exact age. Even in the start of my book, to trigger interest, about my political make-up as well. I let people do their own calculations as part of mental exercises I introduce now and then in my book, besides shorthand – which is in itself a mental health exercise, to those who in the space of Artificial Intelligence.

His inspiration was the quietness he got, just after he had downscaled back to his grandmother’s, two months after his resignation. “That’s where my memory began to kick in and I began writing! It was like changing lanes, from 200 kilometres per hour, to 60 – where I had time to reflect, about my life journey, something I hadn’t done before. I doubt I would have written the book, had I been anywhere else, because the very familiar sights, sounds, and smell from a home and the very dusty streets I grew up in triggered most of my memory, which ended up as a fully developed manuscript!

“I had no prior intentions, nor was I ever thinking of writing a book – it was incidental, and a divinely inspired moment, all in one! I had never thought of myself as somebody of such importance – that’s why my authorship is quite different from the prevailing norm because it’s not established on assuming a particular status, of self importance! I am a reader who appreciates great literature, before I am an author. So I had a higher standard of what constitutes an author! The capabilities and responsibility you assume, as a thought leader in society, which requires above average expertise!

“While the story itself ends in 2011, between then and now, was a typical entrepreneurial journey of self development, challenging my own weaknesses through faith and staying the course of what is a very lonely path, with memorable moments of support from places and people I didn’t even expect – my family in particular; my mom, sister, brother, my brother in-law and a handful of special friends whose input I will forever hold dear! It was a tough journey – that much I need to emphasize – very difficult journey, of refining!

The physical copies are between R150 to R200. #Redefining Success has now been made available for digital downloads and zero rated, to empower young people in particular, to utilise their mobile time constructively. While the physical copies, which are redesigned uniquely from the digital book are just a month or so away from extensive distribution!

“All that info, plus download tutorials, are readily available on @mduduzzee_dube pinned tweet on ‘X’, where I am easily  accessible – engaging on daily discourse, particularly on my favourite pastime subjects: football and politics – giving unsolicited opinions, &#Redefining Success.

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