By Jonk wa Mashamba
Pule Sithole, a respected Sergeant based in Alex SAPS, is one of 25 members of Run Alex to participate in the Comrades Marathon scheduled for August 27.
Sithole told Mashamba Media that he would devote his time in honor of the late Collins Chabane mayor, Cllr Moses Maluleke.
He says he’s still grieving for the sudden death of his role model. “He was a role model for many of us. He was someone who always took people’s interests to heart.
“He was a leader who delivered services well during his tenure. For this year’s Comrades Marathon, I’m going to run in his honor,” vowed Sithole.
When asked about his achievement as a runner, he said: ” So, for me to have completed a full Marathon 42.2km in 2h56mns, half Marathon 21.1km in 1h18mns and 10km in just 36mns, which most people can only dream of, is something to smile about.”
He says he derives pleasure and strength from seeing other people happy. “I take pains in the things that trouble their livelihood.
“Each time I see someone running on the road, I am inspired because I know the pain. The commitment they put inspires me.”
Sithole was inspired by his fellow runner, Mr Themba Masingi “from my village, Gumbani, in Limpopo who also happens to be my neighbor here in Alex”.
“We get a lot of inspiration and encouragement from one another, and there is no race that will happen without checking each other.
“We go as far as checking on each other’s performances on Strava and we would analyse those results to identify areas of improvements.
“I am excited that for my first Comrades, him and I will be making our debut together and my wish is for us to do well and make our community proud.”
He says that being surrounded by runners in his circles gives him wings.
“Also hearing elite runners speak highly of my running, motivates me even further.”
Sithole has also inspired his wife, Queen Nomasotho Fakude Sithole to take running seriously.

He said one weekend he invited her to one of their Run Alex practice sessions. “Surprisingly, she came and did her first 5km run.
“The warm reception she received from the Watermelon Gang made her fall in love with running; she never looked back.
“That made me happier and I supported her throughout because she has also been supportive to me.
“Today, our relationship is more stronger and solid. As a couple, we bond and have somehow become instant role models for other couples.
“Other runners have even introduced their partners to running as well which is very exciting and pleasing to our eyes.
“My wife and I are thankful for the grace that God has bestowed upon us as good role models for other couples.”
According to him, families are God’s design and creation. “Praying for one another and with one another is pleasing to God.”
When he runs, he says, he would often have a conversation with his beautiful wife about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how ageless she will be.
“She’s a good woman, she’ll just listen,and I could tell that deep down, she’s probably saying *Mfmmmm oooh*, without uttering a word.
“When I am at the race also knowing that my wife is also running, that puts me on the other gear and always brings out the best in me as she believes a lot in me.”
Sithole says that discipline in training always provides good results.
“Also, one is guaranteed of a healthy body which helps a person from being vulnerable to all other sicknesses.
“Running is the best medication to curb a lot of sicknesses. It keeps the shape of the body in good condition. So we must not stay away from running,” he advises.
Sithole is a member of Run Alex Club. The club was established in 2018 and was created for the community of Alexandra.
The club helps kids to stay away from drugs and alcohol. It also encourages residents to live in good health by running.
Run Alex doesn’t only focus on running, but also plays a vital role in the well-being of the elderly.
“It provides items for the needy, like towels, sneakers and food parcels for the underprivileged.
“Run Alex is a place to be. The club has grown so much and has had a tremendous positive impact on many people’s lives, including my family.”
His other dream is to have a Green Number and see himself representing his club and the country at big events, like London Marathons.
Wow big up my skeem saam, my colleague, continue to make us proud. You have our full support.