Alexandra High School is targeting 100% matric results this year

Alexandra High School is targeting 100% matric results this year


By Jonk wa Mashamba &
Malesela Mangena

Alex High School principal Zoleka Lebelo stated that it was a collective effort that kept the school in its first position.


Lebelo said the school worked as a team to be able to improve its 2021 matric results.


” We were also working with partners. I also want to thank the parents, because parents are also part of this achievement.


“I would like to thank partners, the learners who dedicated their times and listened to us and complied.


“We managed to pass with 84 (84.1%) under the condition (Covid 19 restrictions). And what I like with our results is that the quality has improved a lot.


“We managed to improve the bachelors from 925 to 96% and the diplomas from 55 to 82. There is a lot of improvement in terms of quality. That’s what I want.”


However, Lebelo testified that the journey was not easy. “Hence, I’m saying the collective efforts just made my work very easy. Because I could not have done it alone.


“We came together, teamed up and shared the same objective of educating a child. That is why we are at least at this level this year.


“In 2022 we want to get 100 % with quality results.”


The following schools followed: Kwa-Bhekilang (79.4%, Realogile (78.0%), Minerva (65.6%) and Eat Bank (62.7%)

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