By Staff Reporter
A recent survey of more than 300 community development practitioners from a variety of sectors found underlying issues related to the township’s devastating economic numbers and prosperity.
The independent survey conducted by the Scientology Volunteer Ministers since early 2022 showed that most community developers suffer from a lack of skills such as conflict management, communication, policy implementation, mediation and more needed for the prosperity of their townships.
The survey based on L. Ron Hubbard’s survey technology was carried out over a span of several months.
It was recently concluded by hundreds of practitioners with a desire to improve their communities.
Practitioners were simply asked what types of issues they were faced with when trying to develop their communities.
According to Currin (2020), townships in South Africa remain as originally designed, i.e., spatially disconnected and alienated from dominant economic activity.
According to Asad Alam, World Bank Group Country Director for South Africa, addressing spatial inequities in townships is key to improving people’s lives.
Subsequently, the township economy is currently attracting a great deal of policy interest in South Africa, primarily as a result of the persistence of concentrated poverty, unemployment and the lack of economic transformation since democracy, which is intrinsically linked to the history of these areas. – MARCH 30, 2021 BY BONGANI -The Township Economy – Challenges and Opportunities
The survey now done by the Scientology Volunteer Ministers further narrows down the need for prosperous township economies.
Sandile Hlayisi, who headed the survey said, “According to research, the highest number of unemployed youth is found in the townships.
“The drug epidemic, gender based violence, crime etc., are largely committed in townships.
“Something has to be done to improve our townships. So we did this survey to find out exactly what is happening on the ground and the results were eye opening to say the least.
“It is possible for townships to be successful. We must recognize the infinite opportunities for growth that exist and must assist them as much as we can if we are to have a prosperous country.”
Economic activists from the townships surveyed in South Africa consistently stated that there was a lot of talent and value in the townships and they really want to cultivate it.
However, they will need a certain amount of expertise to fully address the issues there.
“I start facing challenges when I have to get the community to cooperate and work peacefully for the benefit of all. That is where the trouble is.

“There is so much conflict and we end up not getting anything done because no one likes being told what to do in the township,” said another community development practitioner who participated in the survey
“We can talk all we want but how do we tackle all the social problems that our communities face?
“How do we give proper guidance when we are not trained on It?” asked another community development specialist during the survey.
Organizations such as Afrika Tikkun, Family Tree Foundation, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Choko 2 Five movement and others are invested in creating sustainable livelihoods and they all dream of powerful communities that are prospering and successful.
“We all know why townships were created, but now it’s time to change the narrative. We can no longer afford to be victims. We have potential and it is time we changed our communities,” concluded Hlayisi.