By Jonk wa Mashamba
“The massage I am pushing here is that there is nothing wrong to be born from a poor family, but it is very wrong to die poor.
“Every person has potential of taking himself out of poverty. The lesson for my novel is that , on your way up, beware of the snares and pitfalls that comes with riches,” says Vusi Sam Chuma, author of Gandzelo ra Mahlwehlwe.

This is his first novel and he plans on writing more novels in xitsonga and English.
“The inspiration to write this book came when looking at the kind of life that we live, especially us the youth.
“I have a Facebook page where I write short stories. I have a sizable number of followers and my followers motivated me to write this novel,” Chuma says.
Chuma, who began writing during his high school days, says the 186-page novel, which costs R170, was published by Informed Publishers.
His profound message is that there’s no one that owes you anything in this life.” Even those you think are duty bound to assist you owes you nothing.
“Think of something, then stand up and start doing. If you wait for funding then you will wait forever. Start with what you have.
“Remember that it is actions that attract attention. Funding will never come to a person who is sitted doing nothing. Just start, then recognition will come. The Xitsonga saying that says ” ku pfuxiwa le yiti pfuxaka ” has truth in it.”
Chuma, from Jilongo village in Malamulele,Limpopo,is the first born son of Mr James and Khubani Chuma.
He is married and blessed with 3 boys. He presently resides in Pretoria and works in the bank.