By Staff Reporter
The management of Lead change Development, a Non-Profit Organisation operating in Dobsonville, Soweto, are still shocked and surprised with their international recognition but proud of their achievement.
They say that receiving an international award means they are on the right track to serving the disabled community.
The organization has received an international award from the British company Acquisition International for its exceptional work in empowering people with disabilities through skills development.
Its founder, Shaun Soko, says the award inspired and encouraged them to continue supporting people with disabilities in South Africa.

Soko said that this means that determination and hard work eventually pay off, and that this means that their services meet the needs of people living with disabilities.
He said everyone was excited when they received the news that their NPO was chosen as the winner of “The most empowering Disabiity Education NPO 2023 – South Africa”, in the Non-Profit Organisation Award 2023.
He said there was a level of excitement “but a restrained excitement when we received the news”.
“We were actually surprised to have managed to scoop this award from an international company, especially because we are an organization that operates in the township of Soweto.
“You would expect such to happen to the organisation that operates in first-world countries or perhaps those who operate in Sandton. But, we are extremely excited to have done it and we are looking forward to do even better going forward,” Soko added.
He also indicated that when you run an NPO, there are times when you feel exhausted. But when you get recognition, especially from a multinational like Acquisition, it brings you excitement and you feel like you want to do more, he said. “To be honest, this award has given us the new energy.”
He said that their goal is to dispel the notion that disabled people are not capable enough and that they are unfortunately always judged in everything they do.
Soko emphasized that love for their work is one of the things that keeps them alive as an organization. He added that most importantly, being passionate about what they do, especially when it comes to helping people with disabilities.
He said after receiving a prize, now everyone at the organization feels rejuvenated and believe that their services are more important across South Africa.
“You can see people are now motivated and eager to do even more,” he said.
Lead Change Development was established in 2011 with the primary objective of alleviating poverty by providing opportunities for people with disabilities in townships.
The orgainsation provides computer related skills to differently abled people. They began to be funded by Gauteng Department of Social Development in 2015.
Soko said he was inspired by his passion to help people with disabilities to reach their potential.
He said there are brilliant people living with disabilities who can also help solve some of the country’s problems in the future with the skills they give them.
Since its inception, the organization has made great progress and has been able to place more than 40 disabled learners in permanent employment and more than 200 in various learnership opportunities .
“Look, we are a non-profit organization with a goal to educate and empower individuals living with a disabilities. We target previously disadvantaged youths by offering professional ICT focused training and various skills development programs at no cost to the beneficiaries,” explained Soko.
Recently the organisation has placed four beneficiaries in permanent employment at SAGE.
Soko added that if they can be capacitated enough they were determined to expand their services probably across the province of Gauteng to reach more people because they realized that people are in need of their services.