By Paulina Molepo
and Tonic Mr Lee
One of the two boys was arrested following the gang rape of a 14-year-old girl at the East Bank high school toilet.
The shocking incident occurred on Thursday, February 8th, 2024 in the afternoon.
According to family spokesperson, Jimmy Masingi , the girl came across one of the culprits while she was going to fetch her bag.

Masingi said that the boy threatened the girl and forced her to his friends on the school premises.
Upon their arrival, the same boy allegedly said, “this is the one we going to have sex with”. That’s when they forced her to the toilet and raped her.
Following the incident, the girl reported it to the school’s SGB and was then taken home to her mother, who then took her to the police station to open the rape case.
Masingi said the girl did not receive any counseling. He said it was imperative for her to receive counseling and assurance that she will be safe to return to school.
According to a source, there is a group of feared boys at Eastbank High who terrorize the learners.
The source said when the principal talks to them, they disrespect him by telling him he is not their father and they won’t listen to him.
“I was told so by my daughter who is in Grade 12 at the same school,” said the source.
The angry community members have vowed to picket at East Bank High on Monday at 7:30.
“As GBVF Brigades, we will be there. This is too much, enough is enough,” posted a member of the community on social media.
In another incident this week, a teacher at Alex High School was nearly stabbed by a student. The threat’s motive is unknown.