Miss IntombiEnhle 2020 still virgin at 24
By Jonk wa Mashamba news@alexreporter.co.za An annual event called Miss IntombiEnhle 2020 ,has seen HOT young ‘chicks’ showing off what their mothers gave them…raw ‘Beauty’.
By Jonk wa Mashamba news@alexreporter.co.za An annual event called Miss IntombiEnhle 2020 ,has seen HOT young ‘chicks’ showing off what their mothers gave them…raw ‘Beauty’.
This group, called ‘Find Your SoulMate’ (nicknamed Gau-Dating Site) in partnership with Mashamba Media (Pty) Ltd, has already connected single people with their soulmates! You
By Jonk wa Mashamba info@alexreporter.co.za (After we published the Shoprite rotten meat story, we searched for a similar story which is inappropriate for sensitive readers)
This story was first published by timeslive.co.za yesterday By jonk wa Mashamba info@alexreporter.co.za The double-cab bakkie was reported to have been stolen at a