By Jonk wa Mashamba
Patricia Moholo (20) fell in love with acting, the career attached to her veins, but books is her only key to unlock the closed door!
She stongly believes that talent alone was inadequate.
And she is certainly convinced that educational background plus passion was synonymous with success!
Pat, a hot woman from Alex is doing her third year in Film and television studies at the University of Johannesburg.
She has already made deal with her ordeal, which will be revealed in one of her dramas.
She says past experiences will never shift her focus from doing great.

“I’ve been through some hardships personally, but I did not let them define my ability.
“With the help I got from people, that made me to become a better vision of myself.
“I’ve always dreamt of becoming a content producer, a writer and story-teller,” said a former East Bank High school learner, who has since registered her company called Alex-Scene Production.
The company according to Pat,was created to uplift Alex youths by giving them platform to write, tell their own stories and make movies.
“My dream is to grow ,not only as an individual, but also help empower the next person .
“I’ve always known what I wanted and all I had to do was to stick with it. I wrote short stories and poems when I was in high school and my wish was to get them out.”
She says Sizanani and Ikusasa Lethu (programs she attended when she was in high school) have played a big role to her.
“They helped me discover my true passion; they helped me enrolled for my degree in film and television at UJ,” she emotionally said.
Her advice to young people:
“It is always possible to make your dreams a reality. Your current hardships do not define your true passion.
“Never let them stop you from being what you desire.”