By Jonk wa Mashamba
“It’s time for Premier Makhura to go! Premier Makhura has failed dismally as the leader of this province and should be removed as a matter of urgency,” Gauteng Democratic Alliance Leader, Solly Msimanga said.
On Monday 8th August 2022, Msimanga and the Chief Whip Fred Nel MPL will be briefing the media on the Motion of No Confidence that will be tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature against Makhura.
Msimanga said said for more than five years, Makhura had been deceiving Gauteng province residents by ” making promises that to date have still not being fulfilled”.

“Under Premier Makhura’s watch the Special Investigative Unit reports into various allegations of corruption have still not been made public.
“No steps have been taken to recover some of the money that was lost to the PPE tender scandal which took place at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The public purse under his watch has been looted unabated and having Premier Makhura in office for any longer will only make this situation worse.”
Msimanga said the residents of Gauteng deserved a government who puts their needs first and spends their hard earned taxes in an open and transparent manner.