It is hard for many people who knew Big Moss to imagine him dying that way.
He was not a humble man, not one associated with violence in any way.
I used to tease him because of his stature and voice similar to Henry Cele, but he would laugh it off.
At the moment, we are cracking our heads trying to figure out what could be the reason for anyone to take out such an innocent but valuable life. .
Big Moss, together with the late Collins Chabane, Denis Salane, Joseph Marhekerhe Mabasa, Dofa Risenga, Rodwell Mashaba, amongst others, were well known names from Xikundu during apartheid times and they were political activists.
After he became mayor, he never became a parvenu hiding his origin.
He had time to greet everybody during official engagements.
Before we launched the Khanyisa Foundation in March 2019, we invited him to come to the ceremony at Greenfarm and he said: “I know it is your initiative and I will not fail, I will come.”
Come the day, March 2, by 8hrs00am he was there for the event that was billed to start at 9hrs00am. At the time no tent had been erected as we had a prelaunch event at Siyandhani before, but he was around by 10hrs00am when the foundation was officially opened by comrade Mavhungu Ramakhanya, then Vhembe District Executive mayor and now Limpopo education MEC.

We admired his patience to wait for so long for an event, being the first citizen of the municipality.
He and Mhani Ramakhanya danced to the tune of the music of the legendary Khanyisa Chavalala to the joy of the people.
We also went with him to visit the family of the late music veteran General Shirinda.
We had invited him to an event at M’tititi High school on Friday July 29 in which we as the first Form ones of the school will appreciate the founder principal JP Maswanganyi and we were looking forward to be with him and other dignitaries.
But what had happened could not be imagined.
Who ever did it has killed the nation.
None deserves to be murdered.
It is bad.